In 2019 we celebrate the first 40 years of NKM. Another milestone reached.
Details of the fledgling NKM are sketchy. We know Geoff Waters (who retired as a director of NKM Fire Protection Ltd in 2009) was there at the outset – along with someone else, who may have been Andy Marples. And it may have been Andy’s wife, Natisha Karma Marples (possibly), who stumped up the initial finance and gave NKM it’s name.
NKM was a very different animal in 1979. The company started as an electrical wholesaler. Fire alarms came later – but by the mid 1980s NKM was at the cutting edge, installing some of the first modern addressable systems in Kent.
Things may have moved on since 1979, but let’s remind ourselves what the big, wide world was like back then – and let’s start with a question:
A: Trivial Pursuit
With the bin men on strike, Leicester Square was one of the many public spaces turned into a temporary dump and was buried under tons of rubbish.
Trevor Francis became Britain’s first £1 million footballer when he signed for Nottingham Forest (from Birmingham City).
Elton John became the first musician from the west to perform live in the Soviet Union.
Nottingham Forest won the European Cup for the first time (they won again in 1980). The only goal of the game was scored by the £1 million boy.
The first J D Wetherspoon pub opened (in Haringey).
Interest rates were pushed up to 17%.
The cost of petrol rose sharply, but was still less than £1 a gallon.
The price of milk went up by 10%… to 15p a pint.
The cost of a pint of best bitter down your local was around 28p.
Sony released the Walkman.
USSR invaded Afghanistan.
Ayatollah Khomeini was installed as supreme leader in Iran.
Rhodesia became Zimbabwe.