On 19th May we held an NKM corporate golf day in aid of Circus Starr at the Woodlands Manor Golf Club, Tinkerpot Lane, West Kingsdown TN15 6AB.
The day began at 8:30am with coffee and bacon rolls, followed by 18 holes of scintillating stroke play.
We are pleased to report that we were blessed with a glorious day and everyone made it safely back to the clubhouse. Most of us had our pride still intact – despite the exertions of the back nine – but we all enjoyed our lunch and whatever else the clubhouse (in particular the clubhouse bar) had to offer.
Congratulations to Andy Thomas-Knowles for coming top of the Stableford rankings.
As those of us who went round with him (Neville, Peter and Glyn) can attest, he played extremely well. Some of his shots were astoundingly, unbelievably good. How his ball on the 14th ended up THERE none of us (including Andy) could quite understand; and, as for that tee shot on the 17th (which we all thought had gone way out of bounds)…
Some may call it luck, but as one famous golfer said, the more I practice the luckier I get.
Thanks to the generosity of all who attended on the day we raised over £300 for Circus Starr. We know how hard up everyone is, so contributions to the NKM cap were greatly appreciated.